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This is not a Naturist Blog!

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Social behaviour

Where does my freedom end and someone else's start?
When we were innocent and there was no sex involved in procreation, people walked around naked and no one even gave it a thought... or did they?
Was there a time when sexual satisfaction was actually removed from procreation? I wonder...
If nature gives the women capacity to bare children all through the year as opposed to other animals, it is only natural that they should feel sexual desire all the time. Isn't it?
If women feel the urge to procreate, can they do it without men?
Is it safe for me to assume that sexual desire is a natural thing for all men and women?
If it is, then is it safe for me to assume that the human desire is also a natural thing?
So when we shun this natural action, what are we encouraging?
Is it a way of control from our leaders? By way of frustrating everyone they make us obsessed with sex and thus use it to control the population?
Hide it so we must feel guilty about it. If we feel guilty then we are easily blackmailed.
Publicity is constantly reminding us of our desires. Yet we don't speak openly about it. We feel guilty.
Do people wear perfume to smell good for anyone or do they use it for a specific target? Like the people they are trying to attract?
The perfume industry is blatant about it. So why do we feel ashamed to acknowledge it?

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